How to find a reliable contractor in Hong Kong?

The hardest part of any home renovation is perhaps not the construction itself, it is actually choosing a contractor with enough professionalism and trustworthiness to perform each task of the project. For any homeowners who have no idea how to install Kitchen cabinets, tearing down walls or removing bathrooms, looking for a professional who can perform these tasks at a high level could prove to be challenging.

There are plenty of horrifying stories about builders that ripped walls apart and left without completing the renovation, or jobs that cost a few times more than the original budget of the renovation job.

A small to large scale renovation can still be difficult and costly with a reliable contractor, you can always expect unpleasant surprises such as unsafe electrical wiring or leakage of pipes.

As a homeowner, you must be able to distinguish the difference between a good and reliable contractor for your renovation project. A great contractor will have the right subcontractors for specialist work such as flooring and plumbing work. We have collated a few tips on how to find the right contractor for your home renovation:

1) Get an idea of what you want before budgeting

Before talking or searching for a contractor, you must start by planning with some of your own ideas. The reason behind this is that you will get a more accurate estimate if you can be specific in what you want done and the materials you would like to use.

2) Research contractors

During your search of your contractor, you should be asking a lot of questions. Make sure you are asking for the same material and renovation task when you quote so you can actually compare. Sometimes you may negotiate during the quoting process as you might be able to get a discount from the contractor.

3) Expectation of the start date

Normally the better contractors will always have work on their hands, especially during peak season and special holidays, so you should expect them to be too busy to start right away. Creating a plan with them so you will be able to start the renovation on time.

4) Research the online reviews

Go online to research any reviews, check to see if anyone else actually used the contractor. Google and Yelp actually provide reviews on some contractor companies. The key is to read some of the positive and negative review careful to determine whether the contractor is suitable for your renovation.

5) Contracts must contain details of cost and work done

It is extremely important to spell out exactly what needs to be done and the cost of each item on the contract. This includes detailing deadlines and progress payments, the material used and the model number. It is necessary to ensure every detail is documented so you and the contractor will not argue over the renovation style or material at a later time. Any changes during the renovation process should also be documented to include the changes in material and cost.

6) Communicate frequently with contractor

You need to be constantly communicating with your contractor after your project had started. If you see a potential issue arising, discuss with the contractor immediately, the issue might be harder to fix later on after the contractor has finished the project and left the site.

7) Final payment must not be made prior to the full completion of the job

Busy contractors can sometimes forget the final details on the renovation and move on without finishing them. To ensure this doesn’t happen, don’t make the final payment until the work is 100% finish and you’re completely satisfied with the work done.

The above are 7 tips to consider when you are hiring a contractor for your home renovation, to get more information on designs, home renovation and home remodeling, please contact us for free consultation.